Coming soon!

The eSign website will soon go live! This site will allow users to access their accounts, read and watch tutorials, and access upcoming and previously recorded web training videos. It will also show how the State of Utah is doing in incorporating electronic signatures in their business processes, and how it equates to environmental impact.

WEB TRAINING – Creating Templates

The next web training that DTS will be hosting will cover creating templates for some of your more commonly processed forms. Templates are especially useful when multiple people within your agency rely on a standardized form to route for signatures and approvals. There will be two 30-minute web sessions offered. Click on the link to sign up! After selecting which session you plan on attending, an email invite to the training will be sent to you.

New Use Cases

See how others are taking advantage of electronic signatures. This month we have decided to digitize one of our most widespread forms: the Employee Timesheet form. Click on the image below to see just how easy it is to start submitting your timesheets through eSign.
**This is not a replacement method to submitting your timesheet through ESS. It is only intended for those submitting their timesheets after the deadline.**

If you have suggestions on any statewide forms you would like to see digitized, email us at